Being Good Stewards of Financial Resources
God is a God who gives - and gives generously. Even in the first pages of the Bible we see how God gives through Creation. God's generosity and love are displayed through the cross of Christ. God has richly blessed us with all that we need for salvation through the giving of his Son, Jesus Christ.
As recipients of God's love and grace, we respond to God with love and gratitude. Additionally, God calls us to be his image bearing representatives in this world - which is a call to be generous and loving. God calls us to give from the heart as we affirm that our giving is an expression of the gratitude of our hearts.
As a church, we seek to be generous as we continue to support God's ongoing work in the world. To that same goal, we believe in the importance of being good stewards of God's resources. We have been entrusted by God with many gifts and we have a responsibility to share those gifts to proclaim his kingdom and to bring God glory.
As recipients of God's love and grace, we respond to God with love and gratitude. Additionally, God calls us to be his image bearing representatives in this world - which is a call to be generous and loving. God calls us to give from the heart as we affirm that our giving is an expression of the gratitude of our hearts.
As a church, we seek to be generous as we continue to support God's ongoing work in the world. To that same goal, we believe in the importance of being good stewards of God's resources. We have been entrusted by God with many gifts and we have a responsibility to share those gifts to proclaim his kingdom and to bring God glory.